Would you like to grow a story or allow one to unfold ?
How your story grows or unfolds is up to you & what you need.
Grow your stroy in a Directed way ...I would like to grow my story with intent. I have a specific reason why i would like to do a story cloth in a more directed appraoch.
Allow your story to unfold in an undirected way ...I would like to allow my story to unfold in a spontaneous way in a less directed appraoch. I would like it to naturally unfold , not knowing who or what moments it will capture next ..
To grow your story is intentional . You may like to set an aim or an intention at the beginning of of its journey which is held througout its growth until it rests in the cloths completion.
To allow your story unfold means that you are open to allow for a more organic spontaneous process to unfold . Your cloth will catch marks of everyday occurances and moments and the people who are in its presence.
Here is a example of an actual unfolding story ...
to inspire you to contemplate how your cloth can take on its own naturally unfolding journey. I wonder who you will invite to come and sit on your cloth and make marks on it. The joyful and beautiful stories that told from engaging in the process of its creation .
The story of a mother whos two daughters have left the nest . A large white wall glears back at her ...... awaiting a new story.alage white meataphorical wall
What if you were to find a way to be supported and step into that space . A stroy cloth was gifted to the freind . it was intitited with the company of the two daughetrs under the shade of trees and on the ground . The girls made their mark in the centre , and mum created hers around them. it was rolled up and tied with a string . It went everywhere the mother went .... |
Here are what others have said in how they could see themselves using the story cloth for wellbeing and suppor their lives...
Sisterhood story cloth |
connect me to my community |
to restore myself is to restore my storyMaking new imagery to tell a new story , which parts of the old story will i let go and which parts will i bring through to my new . All expressed in symbols, marks.
To collect nanas story before its too late |
To recall, record and rememeber my fathers life |
To honour my resilence and courage |
My journey from ilness to wellnessMy healing journey companion .